Video Archives - Intuitive Psychic Medium Donna Marie Crawford


Weekly Inspirational Card Reading Video – week of July 13, 2015

Inspirational card reading for week of July 13 2015.

Blessings! I’m happy to share your inspirational card reading video this week with spiritual guidance for week ahead. This week I drew a card for you from Doreen Virtue’s, “Angel Card Tarot” deck, and your message this week is about aligning your work with your passions. Now is the time to make those changes that you’ve been putting off – not just in your professional life, but in your personal life too.

Weekly Inspirational Card Reading Video – week of July 6, 2015

Inspirational card reading for week of July 6, 2015.

Blessings! It is an honor for me to share your inspirational card reading video with spiritual guidance for the coming week. This week I drew a card for you from Louise Hay’s, “Power Thoughts Cards” deck, and your message this week is about experiencing love and expressing love in our lives. Love comes in many shapes and forms and the more of it we allow both in our lives and in ourselves the more peace and joy you will have!

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