Which Cup Holds the Seashell?
An Exercise for Your Intuition
Here is a quick intuition exercise that will help you sharpen your psychic skills.
I love the china set that I inherited from my Mom. It’s very pretty, and it has a lot of sentimental value to me. For this exercise, Bob placed a small seashell, found on one of our journeys, inside one of the teacups.
Using your intuition, can you sense which cup he put it in?
Intuition Exercise:
Take two or three relaxing breaths and while looking at the image above ask yourself the question…
Which cup holds the seashell?
Allow yourself to feel the energy of each of the choices.
Now pick the one that feels right to you!
Scroll down for the answer!
Click here to learn how to connect, trust, and grow your intuition!
Intuition Exercise Answer
The answer is B!
Did you get it right? Great!
If not, that’s okay! Keep practicing, and you will learn to hear and trust your inner voice when it whispers to you.
Click here for more intuition exercises!
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Blessings always!
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