Hi Justene!
It is an honor to connect with you and share your 12 Month Divine Forecast.
I truly hope you find the insights and guidance that came through helpful, not only at this time, but that they continue to have meaning as the coming months unfold.
Your reading is in two parts for your convenience, and download links are under your videos so you can download and save your reading. This private page will be here for you for a full year from the time of your reading.
Your Videos (Scroll down for your cards)
Your 12 Month Forecast – Part 1
Your 12 Month Forecast – Part 2
Right click on the links below to download and save the video files to your computer. These are the same files as above, just easier to download so you can keep them.
12 Month Divine Forecast for Justene – Part 1 of 2
12 Month Divine Forecast for Justene – Part 2 of 2
Your Cards
Here are the cards I pulled during your reading, right click to save to your computer:

Thank you so much for letting me read for you, it is always an honor! I look forward to connecting again in the future.
Blessings always,