Private: 12 Month Forecast for Nancy - Intuitive Psychic Medium Donna Marie Crawford

Hi Nancy!

It is an honor to connect with you and share your 12 Month Divine Forecast. It’s in 2 parts.

I truly hope you find the insights and guidance that came through helpful, not only at this time, but that they continue to have meaning as the coming months unfold.

This private page will be here for a full year from the time of your reading.

Part 1


Part 2


Your Cards

Here are the cards I pulled during your reading, right click to save to your computer:


March 2021




April 2021



May 2021



June 2021



July 2021



August 2021



September 2021




October 2021



November 2021



December 2021



January 2022




February 2022




March 2022





April 2022

Thank you so much for letting me read for you, it is always an honor!  I hope you will contact me again in the future.

Blessings always,


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