This morning while I was out walking the best dog in the world I had an experience I feel compelled to share. As Princess and I were walking down our driveway into the backyard a very very loud honking goose flew overhead towards the pond across the street from the house. It was so loud I thought for sure it was leading a whole flock in, so my eyes went skyward to see them pass. I was amazed when I saw no other geese following the noisy leader. So strange to have one goose making so much noise all by itself was my first thought.
Then, about fifteen seconds later, a pair of much smaller geese flew over but not following the leader, they were veering off in a different direction. Sure enough, back came the noisy one who got in front of the small ones and guided them in to the pond safe and sound.
I have to tell you at first I was amused because it dawned on me that must have been a parent trying to show the kids the right way to go and instead of following the parent goose they went on their own path and found themselves lost and not knowing which way to go to be safe. That parent never gave up but came back when the kids needed help and did not spend time scolding the two who just wanted to do it their way, just came to the rescue when they needed it the most in order to be safe and happy.
This was always my experience when my Mother was in life and I know it is still the same even now that she is in spirit. I can “feel” her and trust these feelings and find peace and calm when I am sure she is right beside me guiding me in the direction of my best and highest good even when I tried to “do it my way” first and failed. She never gave up on me in life and I trust she never will from spirit either.
I believe all our loved ones are always supporting us and never give up on guiding us towards happiness no matter what path we find ourselves on and when we trust this guidance we do find more peace on our path and less negativity which is really something every soul seeks while on this journey we call life.

Hi Donna, what a great way for you to start your day. I am always comforted by the knowing that my maternal grandmother, who was my biggest advocate in life, is still close by. I sometimes speak with her and ask for her help and there are always signs that point me in the direction I should go. Like you I often do what I think anyway but always end up back on the path that was there before anyway. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this divine moment.
What a great article, gives me a different perspective on those noisy geese. You are so right guidance can come at any time, in any way – we need to be open to receiving it.
Great blog on being open to our guidance.
Yes, Donna, signs signs everywhere signs. They certainly are. It's too bad that so many do not pay attention to them because the journey would look so differently if they ARE seen and more importantly, understood and acted upon!
Wonderful reminder Donna! Yes, and many chock it all to coincidence or completely miss them. I'm trying to be better at noticing myself… 🙂 Thanks!
Uh oh, I fear that I might fall into the “don’t pay attention” camp, but I love your experience of seeing signs and guidance from loved ones in nature. You’ve made me think more deeply about my experiences and opening my mind to where I’m being guided. Thanks, Donna.
Yes, signs are everywhere, you've only got to be receptive to receiving and accepting the message
I see signs everyday, I am not sure how life would be without them! Birds are always (to me) an obvious and guiding sign and message.
We have Kookaburras in Australlia, and have a family of them living right near our house, they are fascinating, and I talk to them often, seeking messages.