Are you looking for rainbows? Or are you looking for storm clouds? Which ever you are expecting to find is what you will find. The same is true of everything in your life.
One of the hardest lessons we all must learn is that we really do attract to ourselves exactly what we are focused on in life. You can call it the law of attraction or anything else you like, but it is a very real, very important aspect of life itself. We don’t always find what we are looking for, but we do always find what we expect.
This is one of the reasons that I don’t do gloom and doom types of readings for people. Instead, I choose to focus on helping people move toward their best and highest good. In fact, I have turned away clients who want to know when they are going to die or those looking for what I consider to be negative type readings.
This isn’t just for my benefit, although I believe that by working in the light I keep the darkness at bay. This choice to work in the light of Spirit helps my clients focus on what is truly important, which is to experience life as a wonderful, amazing journey.
Over the years, I have seen several recurring themes emerging from Spirit during readings, the most common of which is that to change your circumstances, to move out of struggle, you must learn to focus on the positive. You have to focus on those things that you want to bring into your life and learn to let go of the negative thoughts and self talk that keep you stuck in negative cycles.
If you find yourself saying things like, “I always end up dating losers”, or “I always seem to attract the wrong kind of person”, you are actually perpetuating those things in your life. This is because your energy, your intention, is focused on those ideas, and each time you think or say them, they get stronger!
“Change your thoughts, change your life” isn’t just a cute phrase that everyone shares back and forth on Facebook, it is the foundation for creating different outcomes in all areas of your life.
So if you are looking for storm clouds in life, you are certain to find them. There are plenty of them out there. But if you are looking for rainbows, for love, for happiness, for abundance, then that is what you will find! So stop looking for and expecting the worse, and start looking for and expecting rainbows to show up in your life! You will be amazed at the difference this tiny shift will make.

So, are you a 'rainbow' or a 'storm cloud' type of person? What do you expect out of life?