Here’s an easy way to practice your psychic ability using a simple intuition exercise I created for you! These intuition exercises give you the opportunity to practice listening to your inner voice. Learning to trust that inner voice is the key to gaining access to your psychic gifts.
Don’t second guess yourself!
One of the hard parts for a lot of people is undoing the habit of second guessing themselves. Do you do this? I’m sure you do. We all do. We do it all day long. We talk ourselves out of a particular choice and later discover that our first choice or our first instinct was right in the first place.
As you develop your psychic ability you will get better at acknowledging and accepting the divine guidance that is whispering to you, but the problem is that divine whisper is often overpowered by the shouting of your ego and your logical mind. So you have to start by letting yourself listen.
Acknowledge that first instinct or that first choice and force yourself to pause before committing to a choice. If your first instinct ‘feels’ right, go with it!
Feel Your Choices
The reason I think a lot of people struggle to develop their psychic ability is that they are waiting for some cosmic voice to come over the loudspeaker in their brain and announce the correct choice or provide the guidance they seek. But it rarely works like that.
Psychic impressions or divine guidance can come through in many different forms and how you receive psychic information may not be truly in the way you are looking for. Yes, your guidance may manifest in a voice, or whisper, that you can hear. Or it may occur as an image that flashes in your minds eye. Or it could manifest as a ‘feeling’ or ‘being drawn’ towards a particular choice. These are all ways that your physical brain and body can translate psychic information.
No matter how your psychic impressions manifest, you want to recognize the energetic shift when it happens and acknowledge it. And that is much easier when your mind is quiet.
You can do this quickly by centering or grounding yourself, taking a few relaxing breaths, and then focusing on the choices in front of you or the situation you wish to receive guidance around.
If you have specific choices, let yourself pause over each choice and ask yourself, how does the energy of this choice FEEL? Then go with the choice that feels the most powerful energetically.
Like anything, the more you do it, the better you will get and the more confident you will become in your abilities!
Intuition Exercise
So, to help you along I just posted another exercise for you practice your psychic ability on. You can access it here:
When you get to that page be sure not to simply guess, let yourself feel the energy. And remember, it’s not about whether you are right or wrong, it’s about learning how to recognize and feel the energy!
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Blessings always!
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