Don’t wait for permission…
One of the toughest parts about accessing your natural connection with the divine, in my opinion, is this issue of waiting for some sort of permission, permission to actually do these amazing things that somehow seem outside the bounds of what we believe to be our reality.
Intuition, precognitive dreams, and everything else that falls under the heading of being ‘woo woo’, often seem like superpowers that only a special few can have access to.
I think the reason we feel that we need to be given this gift or given permission to use these other forms of perception come from our belief systems. We simply don’t believe that we can connect with other people or come to gain information in a way outside our normal five senses.
And that’s what stops a lot of people from experiencing so much of what is really going on around them. And I’m not just talking about things outside of their five senses. I’m talking about everyday life. we don’t believe there’s a solution to our problem so we walk by a half dozen solutions. We don’t believe that we’re strong enough, so we act weak. We don’t believe that we’re smart enough, so we act accordingly. We don’t believe that we could connect with energies of other people, therefore we don’t.
Beliefs are truly at the root of your ability to experience or not experience anything in this world.
You believe that a thing is either possible or impossible. And that belief colors everything you do and creates limits around what you can achieve.
And this isn’t to be confused with your desire. Because you can desire a thing from the depths of your heart, and still believe that you can’t achieve it. It’s never enough to simply want change, it’s about believing that you can change. And the only way to do that is to actually change so that you see the change and know that you have gone through it. It’s kind of like fear, the only way to conquer fear is actually do the thing you’re afraid of.
You have to give yourself permission to succeed, to move from where you are to where you want to be!