Weekly Inspirational Card Reading 5/30/22
Blessings! I am so excited to share this weekly inspirational card reading with you! I always let spirit guide me when it comes to picking decks for readings. Because I have so many different decks it is always interesting to see which one spirit wants to work with!
This week I was moved to draw a card from the “Trust Your Vibes” deck from Sonia Choquette, a wonderful deck that I really resonate with, it’s one of my favorites!
As always, I pull a single card to represent the energy of the coming week for you and let Spirit share what you need to know. I hope that the messages and insights that this card reading contains serves you!
Your card:

You can watch your oracle card reading each Monday morning here on the Psychic Blog. But you can also receive additional guidance each day over on my Facebook page. So, you can check in with Monday’s video message to gain an insight into the week ahead, then enjoy the daily guidance that Bob and I post over on my Facebook page to carry you day by day through your week.
Of course, these are general type readings, if you are desiring a more in-depth reading to address specific challenges, or if you wish to connect with a loved one who has passed, or if you just want to know what’s coming for you next, then a private phone or zoom session might be just what you need. You can learn more about phone readings here and Zoom readings here.